Asskicking 101

So, you wanna fight, huh? Or maybe you’ve been given no choice – your country is overrun by hostile people with a genetic predisposition for lowbrow criminality and you have to defend your person, your loved ones, your honor, and your wallet with the weapon which God saw fit to put at the end of each man’s arm. Maybe you can smell blood in the water, that the regimes of the West are about to crumble, and that turmoil and greatness await those who will step up to the challenge. Maybe you’re slated to attend the Scandza Forum on Human Biodiversity in Oslo and your wife has just recently read that the West is so overrun with savages that law-abiding citizens can’t even go to the corner store like normal people anymore and now fears for your safety in the wild and lawless evening-lands. Maybe you’re simply a man with the heart of a lion who relishes the poetry of violence for its own sake and want to practice it without breaking the law. Well, brother, you need to learn a martial art.

Which martial art? Well, it depends. Do you want to fight for sport? Then you have many choices. However, if like me, you want to learn something which will be useful in the mean streets of the Kali Yuga, your range of choices is restricted. Unarmed combat in the streets can happen in many ways – you’ll need to be a boxer, a wrestler, and a brawler, as well as have a basic idea on how to swing an improvised weapon. You need something that you can learn fast, something which you can use without much athletic prowess, and something which emphasizes efficiency and rapid threat neutralization. Assuming no exceptional athleticism on your part, limited time to train, and a focus on efficiency and speed, you need to find a military martial art. A military martial art, especially one developed in countries which practice conscription, is designed to be easily teachable to conscripts of limited athleticism and lacking in natural fighting prowess, in a brief period of time. The two nations which have developed their own martial arts and still practice conscription in the military are Russia and Israel. Systema and Krav Maga are your best bets.

Personally, I’ve taken to practicing Krav Maga, the military art developed by the Israel Defense Forces. My reason was that this is an art developed by Israelis to teach inbred and asthmatic Woody Allen lookalikes how to kick ass in six months or less. If it can do that, it can teach me how to kick ass in a similar time. Yes, yes, I know, (((Krav Maga))). However, one round of practicing and one realizes that the art is essentially a blend of all the best European combat sports – kickboxing, boxing, and wrestling, with moves taken from aikido and wing-chun kung-fu as well – adapted to streetfighting and life-or-death combat. Imi Lichtenfeld, who developed it, created the sport in response to the inefficiency of boxing and wrestling in streetfights while defending the Bratislava ghetto from rioters. He learned from his enemy. You should, too. The central philosophy seems to be “whatever works.” Every other attack is about knees to the balls, elbows to the soft parts of the face, knee stomps, neck punches, and rear-naked chokes – oy vey! One of the reasons I’m more or less certain the Mossad didn’t off Jeffrey Epstein is that even a modestly skilled practitioner of Krav Maga would have known how to choke him without breaking any bones in the neck. At the very least, the Mossad outsourced that particular hit. Someone should have watched The Sopranos with more diligence: important hits ought to be done by in-house personnel.

It is a brutal art, designed to give the opponent no quarter. The very first combination I learned included not one, but three knee strikes to the opponent’s groin. Kneeing someone in the balls is almost an instant KO, but it’s easy to forget that a powerful knee strike to the thigh or lower belly is almost as effective. Friends, you do not know the meaning of pain if you’ve not tried to trot around a ring with a whale of a welt in the middle of your inner thigh. In another sinister example, the palm strike, taken from Wing Chun, is sometimes modified when applied to the face. Whereas the vanilla palm strike ideally catches the opponent under the chin or on the upper lip, jerking his head backwards, if one were to curl the fingers inward ever so slightly, one has the opportunity to claw at the opponent’s eyes immediately. This is all well and good, but the key is always and without exception rapid neutralization –  which is to say, disabling the enemy quickly. This is important when attacked by multiple opponents or in a situation where you need to protect a loved one. A practitioner of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu might be unstoppable against a single foe, but the mean streets rarely throw single opponents at us. Non-whites have a nasty habit of attacking in groups of five or more. To my knowledge, BJJ doesn’t include protocols for defense against attackers armed with knives, clubs, or guns, whereas Krav Maga does, and I suspect other military combat systems include such defenses as well.

Speaking of large groups of aggressors, you should convince some friends to come train with you. Firstly, you’ll find that you’ll be much closer to them once you’ve shared the rigors of training with them. The bonds forged by busting balls in the locker room, hopped up on endorphins from literally kicking each other in the nads in open sparring are difficult to break, and bridge even the biggest differences in character, temperament, and class. You’ll find fresh friends practicing your art – men who, even if not politically-minded, are natural men of the Right, whose willingness to take punches to the face grounds them in reality, and as such are quite open to persuasion to our way of thinking, rather unlike the abstract and anti-real ideology of cuckservatives, civic nationalists, and neocons. In time, the friends you make while fighting will probably become your closest, as men like these are also likely to have other manly hobbies which lend themselves to the formation of a Männerbund such as hunting, fishing, and sport-shooting. Indulge in these activities for their own sake, but remember also that they – along with cross-country hiking and survival skills – form the core of bushcraft. And you’ll need bushcraft.

“But Nick!” you say. “I don’t need martial arts. I’ll just shoot my enemies.” Well, yes, you can believe that you can do that. It won’t necessarily happen, though. Here’s a video of a heavily-armed IDF soldier getting stabbed by a Palestinian. A ready attacker can stab you several times before you can draw your weapon, even if you are Quick-Draw McGraw, and I doubt you’re Quick-Draw McGraw. Close-quarters combat is unpredictable, and at some junctures, it is wiser to punch than to go for a weapon. That’s ignoring the fact that you won’t always have access to your guns. In some countries in Europe, your wits and fists are the only weapons you can possess without breaking the law. If you want to survive in the mean streets without relying on our comically incompetent police forces, you’ll need to cultivate those weapons.

Sometimes you’ll want to use less-than-lethal violence. I remember one incident where a drunken man started accosting my mother while we were having dinner. Obnoxious and smelly though he may have been, I doubt the fellow deserved a bullet. Putting him in an armlock and roughly shoving him out into the street was the right thing to do; I didn’t have to mess up my fancy suit or explain myself to the police. That being said, I’ll grant that you won’t be able to defeat a sniper with kung fu. But it is better to possess a skill than not possess it. Martial arts training also gives you a combat mindset, where you start thinking about the strengths and weaknesses of yourself and your enemy. To think about reach, weight classes, speed, reflex time, and other parameters as they pertain to yourself and others, you’re already taking the first steps towards knowing yourself and knowing your enemy – which, according to Sun Tzu, is the key to not fearing a thousand battles. And if you have a good coach who doesn’t hesitate to develop ambitious training exercises, you’ll also receive the beginnings of tactical training, where you’re pitted against two or three opponents at the same time, or against a vastly overmatched opponent, as I was. If an urbane and dainty poet can deliver a single crippling knee to a kickboxing black belt’s abdomen who is ten years his junior, ending the bout, everything is possible. And never forget that martial skill is impressive: Being able to deliver and take a punch to the face is impressive. And since you’re reading Counter-Currents, I’ll assume you’re a highly intelligent individual. In the coming kerfuffle, you’ll in all probability not be a simple soldier, but either an NCO or an officer. You will need to impress your men, share their hardships, and prove your worth to them, and nothing does that quite like physical prowess. Men respect strength.

An unexpected benefit of martial arts training – and open sparring in particular – is the empiricism it brings to your other workout regimens, and all the other ways in which you use your body. For example, I discovered in the course of my training that I lack core strength, necessitating a renewed focus on stability exercises and leg strength, to which I responded by actually doing leg days, which I had previously discarded as fake and ghey. To my immense embarrassment as a Slav, I found out that I couldn’t squat with my heels down due to a combination of lacking core strength and inflexible hamstrings. Martial arts helped me discover these drawbacks, and I then put effort into remedying them. Another important insight had to do with my diet. While a fat- and protein-heavy diet is a boon for powerlifters, all that meat and all those eggs in your belly will make you slower, strongly retarding your ability to bob, weave, and evade with fancy footwork. You still want something to fuel you, though, so here the various cheeses come in, combined with leafy greens and nuts as pre-workout food. Fighting is the ultimate and most engaging use of the male human body, and every atom of energy will be exhausted in a life-or-death fight. Even as a former competitive swimmer and water polo player, I found that martial arts forced me to use muscles I didn’t even know I had.

I’ve never felt as alive as I have when fighting – not when swimming, not when writing, not even when making love. The only comparable activity I can think of is mountain climbing – but then, I’ve never had a head for heights. For this reason, you’ll become aware of your body when fighting as you’ve never been aware before. A feedback loop between body and soul will be established, and suddenly, pain is not a monster to be fled, but an old friend to be greeted with regard and given special attention in days of rest. Fatigue whets the desire for both food and sleep as your bed and board suddenly look like the happiest places on Earth. Life is simpler, yet richer, and even your woman can partake as she liberally applies the anti-inflammatory creams to your many bruises.

We are Europeans – which is to say, we are warriors. We are the descendants of the Indo-Aryan aristocrats who fought for prestige on the Pontic-Caspian steppe before conquering huge chunks of the Eurasian landmass. Our genes beckon to battle. Our blood simmers with violence. The blonde-eyed beast lies in wait, ready to rise up once again. Martial arts training will awaken this beast within you, and it will resurrect your warrior nature. You’ll be alive, you’ll be pulsating with life, and the better you get at it, the more your movements will be sublime chords and harmonies in the great symphony of violence.